Saturday, March 1, 2014

FB Post from Anonymous

From: Anonymous

Praising God ....if you know my God like I do every hour you wouldn't want to do anything else but PRAISE HIM!! 

Question fb friends???? Why are the people who are doing positive things in life,planning, structuring, set and acheiving life goals and milestones,to make moves for their future and future family's they plan to build together in Marriage SO OFTEN SINGLE???? (I.E. THIS GUYYYY ^^^^^^^^^^) LOL....please help me to understand

Relationship- the way in which two or more concepts, objects, or people are connected, or the state of being connected.
Marriage- 1. the formal union of a man and a woman, typically recognized by law, by which they become husband and wife

Those who lead a more structured lifestyle tend to be able to see the bigger picture in most situations. Being single is not the situation that they are in, it is a choice that they are making because to be successfully Single is to be whole/complete. When we enter into a relationship such as marriage we  need to be able to give 100% of our dedication and selves to the marriage. Who we are translate into what we do and how we act so with those who plan it may feel like more of a strategic decision to be married but don't get it twisted it doesn't fall short of love. Its actually more of an unselfish love because you wanted to become more for not only yourself but the party that would eventually be involved. Also with time comes wisdom, some may even come to a defining moment where they don't want to be married based off of the life they've created and this is absolutely fine not everyone gets married believe it or not. There are many monks and nuns that are perfectly happy with this decision.

Now lets focus on marriage a little. The definition above is outdated I guess you could say  now that laws are changing, so we will just call it a formal union typically recognized by law. Wow! straight and to the point it feels like, you can't go wrong with this definition it just is what it is huh?! A formal union, which is just stating a joining together or combining as an act in agreement, but to what are we agreeing? We don't hear too many rules about marriages in the Bible but when it is referenced the example of Christ and His church ride close together. The planning and achieving of goals we accomplish while single are preparing us for a sense of readiness to be in this state of union (marriage) (c.f John 14:3, Ephesians 5:23 & Revelation 19:7-9) These scriptures allow us to see another definition of marriage and how the earthly marriage we have merely symbolizes Christs preparedness and our readiness and doesn't mention at all building together physically but spiritually as we if we were together the entire time. Do you believe in this marriage where it's like the one person has been preparing themselves for you and vice versa, you have been getting ready for them? Finally, you meet and it's with a common purpose/attitude and mutual plan to just enjoy what you have and keep this union sacred. I believe in this marriage so being single is your time for building.

Thanks for the allowing me to use your post and being inspired by it. (also read Special Request post)

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


DNA (defined in authority)

Authority-the power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience

We can take this title and run with it sometimes. Believe me I know I was the one that said well I am who I am, God (the authority giver) wouldnt make me think this way or act this way if it wasnt of Him? So obviously Im justified? Yup Yup that was me not wanting to change because it was pleasurable to do what I wanted, the way I wanted and Im not killing people so... (yea you know you did the same compare some extreme behavior to minor behavior just to prove you were still good).

The process I took to acknowledge my own spirit led me to see His. Led me to see divinty in me that wasnt my own but given. I have possession of a gift that pulls me to create more, dominate, act and move in a powerful way but I cant without its source and since I didnt create it, it had to be given, I know it has a source. the reason Im saying this is to show if we were all that we are we wouldnt fail. The source never fails He keeps producing life creating dominating while we just have our moments. Obviously if what we do or want was it, then their would be no need to believe in God (hypocrite). The mindset stated (the one I had) above shows your lack of faith not only in Him but in others around you.

So what in the world does this have to do with my relationships? Well you won't need anyone else if you stay in your own thoughts and ways. And if this was a fact that we don't need one another then there would only be one man populating this earth. Im just saying. We dont decide what the Spirit of God does in our lives We cant force the source into a mold of our own making, this causes it to resemble us rather than allowing Him to mold us into His image (the reason it was given). He knows whats best for his image. We discussed beore that this image was "wisdom" in the Divinely Defined lesson. God (our source of authority) had to see that His source was the Word(wisdom)(John 1) that allowed Him to create, dominate, move in power (effectively). And as the Word was with (in a relationship) Him, He also acknowledged that it was Him. So its not by my own authority that I live and have this light. We have to learn how to use it not just wake up and say Hey world this me deal with it!! and we dont out shine the next person with something that can be taken away, no is not God that would take it away...
For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. (Eph.6:12)
The time we begin to heed to His wisdom we can begin to see our lives and the Truth that it holds, we begin to respect each and every other life before us and the message they carry (even the unjust). Not all relationships are close like the ones of your family or lovers, some just are what they are, the random greet on the street. You dont have to take their actions or things they say to heart, no but your eyes will be open to seeing the wisdom to take from it. All I'm stating is our relationships have to be in line and in authority with God or you will not know where to place them in your heart.

Wisdom-the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement.


John 1:1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

2 The same was in the beginning with God.

3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

4 In him was life; and the life was the light of men.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

New Beginnings

See the God in me first because at the end of the day I am that I am #amesswithamessage

I have been doing this class for a year now and many lessons I have not posted. Forgive me guys please.(those of you who cant make it to the class) I was inspired with this new life given to me to start over to the beginning with new lessons learned from my own personal life to those around me. I had to really fight this year and I was reminded by a true friend that I stated early January 2013 that I would know all those around me that belonged and those who were not for me. With that said I think the point of being lead has to be known otherwise the rest of what I could possibly ever tell you about the truths I have learned about relationships will be obsolete. Please ask your questions and leave your comments. I will be here for a while.

My scripture for 2014:        Matthew 16:28
"Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom."


Lesson: Unity in your Relationships

Unity- state of being joined as a whole

I know it has been a while but we are continuing to discuss the characteristics of a long lasting relationship. By the title we are on unity this word is a noun so its a state of becoming this disposition.

Why is Unity important?

1 Corinthians 12:12-26

12 The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ. 13 For we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body-whether Jews or Greeks, slave or free-and we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. 15 If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 16 And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. 17 If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? 18 But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. 19 If they were all one part, where would the body be? 20 As it is, there are many parts, but one body. 21 The eye cannot say to the hand, "I don't need you!" And the head cannot say to the feet, "I don't need you!" 22 On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, 23 and the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are treated with special modesty, 24 while our presentable parts need no special treatment. But God has combined the members of the body and has given greater honor to the parts that lacked it, 25 so that there should be no division in the body, but that its parts should have equal concern for each other. 26 If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.

We have all heard united we stand, divided we fall. Well its just as simple as this statement, you can have it all together as an indivdual, you do for yourself and probably feel just fine and do as you please but even as an individual you must display a sense of unity(wholeness) within you, so here we go again referencing back to our two part man ... "For we are Spiritual being living this physical Experience" After this previous lesson when we acknowledge that we are two part but spirit is first and utilize the Holy Spirit to guide this concept we can understand (without me being redundant) its important for your understanding of the plan He's designed for you. We have also discussed why its important to want to know God's plan for us in previous lessons before when we tapped into His wisdom Vs ours (Man) as a characteristic to posses. Essentially everyone here just keep in mind these characteristics are really how He designed a process so we can understand we can't do without Him even though we can make ourselves gods of us its just nothing like when you actually allow Him to be who He is and just conform to His Holy Spirit. This sounds way easier (basically we dont have to do anything, Give up yourself) but for some reason sooo hard (LOL) And if you noticed, if you made it an attempt to do so (conform to Him) in our very first lesson then guess what unity is what you had to do to understand who you are. So simply put Unity is important so you can know who you are, not just what you like and want and desire but Why you like and desire. This may get strange for some when we step into uniting with others (men) because we Know we are made in God's image but some people are just too different from you characteristically, different desires, different actions ( it all seems sticky trying to unite with different people or incompatible people)United but different?? Just keep in mind United is not to be the same but to be Whole, One, Together. (keep referencing scripture)

How can I unite with people different than who I am?  This seems impossible.
You are not the only one created in His image. I want this statement to marinate ( this should hit hard for all my Boushi people in the room) Yea you ain't the only one with a divine plan and purpose. on top of this you dont even have a clue to what it is thats divine for you because once you do conform to Him, He reveals yes but He just dont start telling you everything he wants you to do within your life in a day, you would probably go crazy and admit defeat before you start. on top of that there would be no need to unite with Him if He did it that way. Thats why I dont use divine plan for us (man) we have a purpose but when we start speaking divinty with us we become confused so let me break it down simple.... God has the divine Plan and We carry a Divine purpose because of His plan, I think somebody should have just gotten Reeeeeeeealll Humble for a second. We spoke on Humble before, I know we get caught up in reading the Bible and praying and seeing first hand sometimes how He makes it light for us to live we forget its still by Him we do these things. Amen (Can I get a Church)

So how can I unite myself in my relationships (friendships, family, marriage...)? Trust in Him 

O my, is that another characteristic ??? Trust was the last lesson, hope we got that down because being unified maybe a little difficult without it (LOL) because He unites us.

Never stop listening and heeding to His Word.

Friday, July 20, 2012

A Call to Glory

Lesson 4

I started back to seek God a little over a year ago because I wanted His favor back in my life. It seemed as though when I started skipping church and not praying as often that's when my life began to spiral down. I was depressed, sad, angry so much more often than not. So I began to go back to church "religiously" and praying but nothing was too different. I was still doing the same things I was doing of course, I didn't believe what I was doing was wrong even though I had been told it was a sin I justified it by saying well God doesn't expect me to be perfect anyway plus He knows my heart. Well one day I hear God ask " Where are you?" Of course I'm like HUH?!!? I thought you could see all things you can't see me. He didn't say anything else so of course I was left with BLANK. What could He have meant by this doesn't He recognize me or know the sound of my voice. well I didn't stress too hard on it after, I just kept praying and asking God for the usual give me strength, understanding .. etc. This year has been good to me, really it has. I was convinced that my prayers were being heard now and everything was turning around until one day in March I got into a heated argument with someone very close and special to me. It's funny it happened during this time period because it was a significant marker point to another event that was suppose to happen but of course that fell through the end of the year before. But anyway this argument left me torn, sad, angry, broken, .. How could I once again come back from this? Well, a voice more distant now speaks to me and says, "Now" At this point I'm tired of everything even the riddles. What is going on!!!

I was reminded of Genesis 3:6-10
When the woman saw that the fruit of the tree was good for food and pleasing to the eye, and also desirable for gaining wisdom, she took some and ate it. She also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it. Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they realized they were naked; so they sewed fig leaves together and made coverings for themselves.
Then the man and his wife heard the sound of theLord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, “Where are you?”
10 He answered, “I heard you in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid.”

We get so caught up in the technical whats right and wrong in our life and even determining what's good for us as if we could fathom this concept that is blocked by our own opinions anyway. That was what got Eve, she determined what was good for her before she even understood wisdom. Then had the nerve to give Adam some of her justified good she knew of. I was guilty I thought by my works of praying, offering, and fellowship I could see God's favor in my life again. The truth was He couldn't even see me anymore. I was doing positive things and working hard and showing love Hey I had myself covered Right? Why did I even need to come to God my efforts was what was going to allow me to succeed anyway Right? It hit me like a brick you guys... That day He said NOW! He was waiting on me to own up to who I was. I was a broken, torn, depressed spirit that was separated from seeing It was by His grace I had favor. I had to now come to Him in prayer without my ego or trying to get something I "technically" had gotten from my own way of thinking. He was saying now stop covering yourself with leaves making things happen for you that I have already said you would have anyway. I was even like Adam once I did want a change or realized I needed a change I tried to hide behind things (prayer and fellowship). 

Well with much prayer I sought after a relationship with Him, notice the difference? No more was I seeking favor I started seeking HIM and He caused me to become whole. I was ordained a week ago as a minister and I am reminded everyday of reaching this point of glory knowing that I am righteous because of His favor and not my own works. I can now go and sin no more not because of anything else but the fact that Jesus Christ gave me this and I honor and respect this gift of GRACE. I pray everyone begin to recognize their call to glory as I have this year.

Stay Blessed

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Special Request

A friend of mine made a personal request for topic. He asked a couple of questions and I will try and tackle them in the best way possible. But I welcome others to also give your input on the matter as well.

1.       Do people’s “superficialness” get in the way of finding true love? I say that because I hear a lot of females want a guy that has a house, nice car, and dress a certain way or make a certain amount of money and the blue collar male doesn’t really look all that appealing to them.

Well I guess I’ll just go ahead and tell you my short answer. No, but I do understand how you can come up with the conclusion that it does.
 In my opinion what’s really going on is when certain females look at these things they get a concept of a “man”. It shows his commitment, dedication and drive to get the things that he wants and women will translate that to .. “Well, he would be dedicated to me and committed because I could be something he wants, right?” We have to understand the outward qualities is not always the best way to gain insight of someone’s internal qualities. Which is where you are coming from but hey it does work sometimes. So how can you argue with them? The real problem I see with thinking this way is it translates emptiness, the relationship won’t always turn out to be about what it was intended to become. It will just be about the things.
Let me say, I’m not materialistic but I appreciate material. I had a relationship where I didn’t care how much he made or what he had, the relationship was based on his personality and interests (this is wrong thinking by the way) but he wanted me to be more superficial (funny huh?) There are more details to that but my point is it’s not just one sided. Some men think that if they don’t see things happening for them they are not doing something right. Who knows which one came first the man concept from being so hard on themselves as a provider or women’s concept of what a provider should look like?
The TRUTH is even this won’t deter finding true love. You can find people who believe in superficial and they will love it and all the things the gain from this “love” and live Happily Ever After. Some people just have a different definition of love. For me.. God is love..He provides.. and it’s a hard but simple concept to grasp by many people. The only true thing that gets in the way of finding “true” love is not having a solid foundation and you will find yourself trying to rely on making one with another person if it’s not strong. Which brings me to your next question….

2.       And what happened to two people building something together?

It doesn’t exist. I know that’s harsh and you maybe like “Geeze,  Grace how cynical of you to say such a thing, Do you even believe in true love?” Yes, of course I do but I don’t believe in a “perfect” love presented by man. Tell me, what are you building that you would need help from a person you met and became familiar with? Your life? A home, family?  Well, you can do that by yourself. Even if a single woman wanted children there’s a bank where they can receive a generous donation towards the cause. I’m being too real now huh? I think what’s difficult for people is getting rid of concepts that the world presents in ads and promotions to sale goods and products without leaving them discouraged with life. This is when all things seem pointless, meaningless, in vain.
 Love just is. It doesn’t build because it would be what you build up to. So you and your significant other should have already been working on this as individuals even before getting to know each other.  So where does this love come about? Remember when I said God is love, he created it, built it, it’s Divine! We accept His love and when you choose the individual to marry you are honoring this LOVE, honoring Him. That’s why it’s is signified by a vow to God to commit to this love and your partner is your personal, first-hand witness of this vow. You both are there as a witness for each other,  to make sure you both keep this vow to HIM. Your partner was the best candidate for you to keep your “foundation” strong. So you are not building because it’s already built! You are keeping . 
So then the next question is what happened to understanding this? Well there are many pitfalls that man has created for themselves from getting this but remember in my lesson notes when I said we fight not against flesh and blood … well it goes back to that. I encourage everyone following this blog to keep studying His word. And seeking after His wisdom, even God’s foolishness is wiser than man’s wisdom. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Tunnel Vision

Lesson 3

Am I doing this right? Everything looks great but what’s for ME? I know what I want to do but is this what I should do?  Why not I know I’ll like it?

I read a story the other day of a young college graduate who was medical school bound. She did everything to the plan, excelled in all her studies and was moving forward to become a doctor. One day she was approached by the CEO of a record label who saw the way she dressed and asked her to please style one of his new artist he had just signed on. She had never styled anyone before, didn’t even know what a stylist was and it definitely wasn’t in the “plan” but she went for it and what a success it turned out to be. She is now the CEO and fashion stylist of her own consulting firm.
This story doesn’t happen everyday. In certain cases many will go on to actually becoming the doctor. But what was it that she had in her possession that made her make that decision to become something other than what she “knew” her passion to be. The questions above are not wrong questions to ask in fact they are encouraged. The key is knowing when to ask them. Sometimes we want something so bad we can taste it and even to the point where we predict when and how it should be happening for us. So we put our self in a box on focusing on one thing really hard and then we look up and nothing happened for some we stay here until we see results and for others they begin to dip and dabble in many other things just to see a result. The thing is we don’t know what the future holds, what the present will bring some things may feel like they are done in vain. Nothing is new under the sun everything has been tried even down to the good deeds or charity that you do but what makes it different, what makes it fulfilling to go through the mundane and seek after the “riches” of this world? Solomon describes it best in the book of Ecclesiastes when He says “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under the heavens..” (3:1) “So I saw that there is nothing better for a person than to enjoy their work, because that is their lot. For who can bring them to see what will happen after them?” (3:22)
So what you’re trying to say is I should just be happy for nothing? No, You should be happy for everything. God shows us this through His wisdom, which is His will for us to use Him as our foundation.
After looking up these two words in the dictionary:

1.       Wisdom=Enlightenment
2.       Foundation- The basis or groundwork of anything, the natural or prepared ground or base on which some structure rests.

Enlightenment is what we experience from using His wisdom it shows us the time and season to use His wisdom. So in essence it all jus goes back into itself to be used even more which leads to the word “foundation” If wisdom of God be your true foundation then it will always return back to you. Your relationships should begin to reflect this trait.

I challenge you all to look more into what is the prepared ground on which you rest. Simply Study! If you feel u don’t know where to begin, just start from the TOP the beginning Genesis.